Chris and I waiting in the car for over an hour while we wait for the police to let cars through.
Then, once we get to Strawberry Resevoir it is now dark and since neither of us had been here before we had to stop at the visitor's center to look at a map. We had heard that Indian Creek was a good place to camp, so even though it was halfway around the lake we decided to try and find it. (keep in mind we dont have much gas). So off we go driving around the lake trying to look for this tiny sign that says Indian Creek. After driving for more then 20min and having NO idea where we were, we see a couple other car headlights heading up this one road. We drive up to it and finally we found it! We keep driving up this dirt road to find that ALL the campsites are full! By now its getting close to 1030, we're bother tired, frustrated, and hungry and we still had to set up camp, build a fire, and cook tin foil dinners! As we're trying to determin if we have enough gas to keep looking for another place we spot the last campsite in the whole area! The only this is that its up this huge hill that normally wouldn't be so bad, but we're in my honda sedan! We try to two wheel it up the hill and finally made it!
I hurry up and put together the tent while Chris starts on the fire. Not long into we realize the wood we have is too green and wet and wont stay lit! Luckily we brought a camping stove and pot (always come prepared! ;) I don't think a meal ever tasted so good! We were too exhasted to cook the pineapple upsidedown cake so we crawled into bed. With our neighbors playing Creed at a deafening volume, we finally fall asleep. Not more then a couple hours later Chris and I jump out of bed because it starts pouring!! Chris, the good husband that he is, gets out of his nice warm bed and hurrys to throw all the camping gear we left outside into the car while getting soaked to the bone. The sun wakes us up not too much longer and we decided to get up. We brought muffins to eat in the morning and as we're sitting around our not too impressive smoking fire hundreds of flies start to swarm us!! I keep bating them off me and put on a hoodie and Chris just sits still and they're landing all over his shirt and face! I was laughing so hard! We ran to get into the car and finish our breakfast. Then on the count of three we hurried and took down camp and got out of there as fast as we could without getting eaten alive!
This is a picture of the huge hill we had to drive up (not a good angle, it really was steep!)
And our campsite the next morning as I'm trying to peak my head out and not let any bugs in!
Since we didn't have ANY gas we didn't get to do any sight-seeing and had to find a gas station as soon as possible. The lake and that whole area was really pretty. And even though we didn't have that good of an experience we'll have to go back another time in the day :)
But the weekend wasn't a total bust, we went to Park City and went shopping at the outlet mall! Chris' birthday is next week, so he got some early birthday presents.
Chris and I over looking Canyons Resort